Distance: 45 km
Location: Latitude:64.61521, Longitude:-99.74786 at 07/29/2014 15:27:11 PDT
Map link: Click here
The weather was calm, hot, muggy, buggy and smokey yet again. We started paddling at 6.50 am and navigated through a maze of islands that is marked as the Thelon River, but is really an island filled lake. Most of our journey was not very exposed.
We ended the day at the start of Aberdeen Lake, which is a huge lake. It feels more like the sea than a lake. We saw two caribou, two arctic hares, some loons, sea gulls, eagles and arctic terns. The hares are enormous, like gigantic bunny rabbits.
We are camped on the tundra at the start of a peninsula. We walked out to the end of the peninsula in the evening, a round-trip distance of 6 km, and saw several tent rings and signs of older native settlements. In many of these areas there were a lot of broken caribou bones. We also saw several dumps of steel fuel drums, dozens of them, and one abandoned canoe out in the middle of the tundra.