Distance: 0 km
Location: Latitude:64.60686, Longitude:-98.49954 at 08/02/2014 16:09:57 PDT
Map link: Click here
We woke up at 5.30 am ready to paddle, but the seas were quite rough, and the surf was roaring on the beach. A 20-25 mph wind was blowing from the west. We waited all day for the seas and surf to diminish, but they didn't, so this ended up being another rest day from paddling. The sky was grey and the barometer was steadily falling.
We hung around in the tent and finished reading Jon Turk's "Raven's Gift". We also sent our weekly message out on the inReach device. We have about 200 km to go, 100 km of which is exposed, so with almost three weeks of food left we can afford to be picky about the conditions we paddle in.
We went for a couple of short hikes, but did not see any animals today.